Monument of the seafarers

The monument of the seafarers, fallen in the Serbo-Bulgarian war was officially opened on the 25th of September 1894. Its inaugural location was in front of the Cathedral. The funds for the monument were gathered by the officers that served in the maritime division.

The construction of the monument was funded also by the municipality council and under the control of engineer Pavel Karakulakov. The construction of the monument took about five months from start to finish. Four plates were placed, one of which had the names of the 54 soldiers who died written. On the front of the monument a cross was mounted and under a text with the meaning of the monument was mounted too.

As per tradition a service was led by the bishop Simeon when the monument was opened. Knyaz Ferdinand with his mother and wife personally attended the opening. The monument did not have its fence back then as the family of Ferdinand gave 4000 levs to further finish it. A cement base was built, 28mm projectiles were placed in the four corners which are wrapped by chains as well as four 20mm projectiles in the middle between the bigger ones. In 1995 the monument was moved to its current location near the heart of the city between the municipality and the Archaeological museum of Varna near the Varna centre. In 2019 the Seafarers monument underwent a restoration.

If you wish to visit the monument you can take advantage of My Rent a Car by getting a car of your choosing anywhere from Varna Airport, the centre itself, Golden Sands, St. St. Constantine and Helena, Sunny day or other points within Varna.

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