Museum of Dolls, Varna

The Museum of Dolls is a one of a kind establishment in the Balkans and in the Varna region, it’s one of the few such museums in Europe too. The museum was opened in 1985. The exhibition consistent for around 140 theatrical dolls as well as decoration elements from the sets. After a pause of 12 years between 1990 until 2002 the composition of artefacts is created again by the artist Tsvetana Vekova.

The first exhibits in the museum are the dolls of the founder of the doll theatre – Georgi Saravanov. After that newer dolls appear when you enter the museum. They were used between 1952 and 2002 in 24 emblematic plays of the theatre. The medals and achievements of the dolls are shown in three showcases. This way the exposition shows the creativity and craft of its authors, directors, actors, artist and constructors all in one. Different techniques, styles, and tendencies are exhibited in the development of this theatrical style. 

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Museum of Dolls

The location of the museum is in the heart of the city centre. It’s accessible by foot, rent a car, taxi, public transport and basically every way of transport. If you wish to visit the Museum of Dolls you can take advantage of My Rent a Car and visit the park by getting a car of your choosing anywhere from Varna Airport, Varna Centre, Golden Sands, St. St. Constantine and Helena, Sunny day or other points within Varna.

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